
13 November - 31 December

Nick Tyrer and Victoria Philpott have brought together seating and striking planting through a design that offers a spatial experience while remaining functional and comfortable. Lacuna offers a sense of security and personal space on a large station concourse, while also creating a much larger visual impact upon the identity of the station.


Lacuna was created by Nick Tyrer with Victoria Philpott, supported by James Lathams and Garnica, and fabricated by Raskl.

Lacuna is one of the five winning benches from the Sitting Pretty design competition from the London Festival of Architecture and Network Rail.
The competition was conceived by the London Festival of Architecture to consider how better station seating might look, with the potential for winning ideas to be replicated across stations by Network Rail in the future.

The benches can be found across four London Stations: Waterloo, Victoria, Charing Cross and London Bridge.

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