Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation – Exhibition

13 June - 30 June

‘Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation’ is an annual collaboration between London Festival of Architecture and the Design Museum, highlighting work by an emerging generation of voices in architecture who are expanding the parameters of what architecture can be, who London is for and what its future holds.

The challenges that London poses to young people are shaping the boundaries of architecture and what it means to be an architect in this city. Precarious working conditions, cuts to public services and facilities, social discrimination, and now the repercussions of Covid-19 are just some of the defining parameters facing young people today. In London, they present urgent and complex spatial challenges for the city and its future urban life.

The 2020 edition of ‘Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation’ project will showcase the radical manifestos of 9 emerging voices, as they propose alternative visions for London’s urban landscape. These manifestos prioritise collaboration, dialogue, learning and action in response to the real material and social conditions of a city in flux. The chosen group - each nominated by different established architects, writers and educators - will present their new vision for London through a series of short films on the LFA’s and Design Museum’s digital channels throughout June.
This online exhibition of visual manifestos forms part of a series of events with the Design Museum, including a digital workshop on the Design Museum’s Instagram feed on 17 June.

To see all of this yeas manifestos click on the images below.

Organiser Info

Image: Counterspace

More events from London Festival of Architecture in collaboration with the Design Museum

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