The Liveable City webinar

18 June 2020

13:00 -14:30

The pandemic puts new demands on the urban space, and several industry professionals thinks the crisis can have a lasting impact on the way cities are designed.

Earlier, architects, consultants and contractors tried to create urban spaces where people gathered, but the pandemic has forced a massive behaviour change. The citizens of the city are now spreading, and this places new demands on how to design the urban space. Demands that may continue even when the pandemic is over.

So how to plan our cities after the pandemic? How will it overall affect the way we think about architecture? In addition, will the pandemic help us make our cities more liveable and further the green transition – or the opposite? These are some of the questions that will be discussed during this webinar by some of the decision makers in the industry.


Camilla van Deurs, Chief City Architect, City of Copenhagen

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