The community Engagement power in our Neighbourhoods (Ireland and Syria, communities initiatives)

24 June 2020

18:00 -19:00

A talk & debate about the community engagement initiatives and its' power to activate the role of the local community toward the Goal No 11 of the UN SDGs: Sustainable cities and communities, the social and culture factor.

The talk will be hosted and presented by:
Muhammad Achour, Syrian Architect, MArchSc from UCD, Dublin, Ireland. Researcher and volunteer in the field of sustainable development. Director of Places of ARcture which is a group of Artists, Architects and Educators advocating for engaging art and architecture within the youth in local communities and refugees' camps.

Yaman zein ala’bedein, will join us from Aleppo Syria to present his thoughts and ideas as well as community engagement initiatives which he has led so far. Yaman is a 24s a young Syrian architect currently interested in Public spaces, interior and exterior design.

The debate will be Followed by panel discussion with a special guest:

Hussam Ashour, a Chief Engineer in OMAN Arab Engineering. Msc from Aleppo University, PhD researcher in tourism planning University Sains Malaysia, formor Teacher Assistant Aleppo University, Ittihad Private University.

Paddy Woodworth, author, journalist, lecturer and tour guide. Books include The Basque Country (Oxford 2008) and Our Once and Future Planet (University of Chicago Press, 2013).

live streaming will be through the company YouTube Channel, and managed by Pro Zoom live meeting room. questions through YouTube comments will be answered during the Q&A session.

Live streaming link:


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Image: Sketched by: Graphic Designer Noura Hanefa

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