“Moving lines” is a drawing, photography and filming workshop that looks at movement in architecture, experimenting on "urban vision" and interpreting “power” as movement.
The subject is power/movement in relation to three different variations: On/Inside/Through Architecture where “movement” is interpreted as a driver of changes.
The results will be expressed in visual narratives (sketches, photographs and so on), integrated into a short video edited by means of mobile phone or pc.
-reflections on the future of towns (potential movement), on its modifications as a result of transformative contamination and on its image
-Identification of cases where the concept of movement becomes a specific element of architecture:
"On the skin": surfaces of Architecture for static/dynamic visual systems, configured as elements of renewal of the city image.
"Inside": escalators, elevators, ramps, and so on, looking at their transformation from functional to aesthetic elements.
"Through": mobile structures, structures for urban/river transport systems and their connections with land.
-analysis of drawings, sketches and pictures that can be used and how to do it.
-participants process graphics and elaborate final videos with the help of tutors on line.
At the end of the experience all the images or videos are presented to partecipants.
The workshop is open to everybody. and you can work together or individually.
Final part: presentation of t videos and final images.