Laid Back or High-ly strung; The Future Community Power Struggle

06 October 2020

17:30 -18:30

What are the implications of Climate Emergency and the sometimes competing imperatives of a post COVID, pandemic vulnerable world on our emerging urban responses and future communities?

Whilst some debate what COVID 19 might mean for the future of tall buildings the many benefits of truly mixed-use high-density buildings within our city centres cannot be ignored. Or does the future for our urban developments tend towards more horizontal, distributed but still relatively dense model like Kirkstall Forge?

Join us as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2020 to debate where does the future of urban design lie in this rapidly changing world? And which model will win the power struggle?

Ciaran Malik, Lecturer & Researcher, Architectural Association

John Bushell, Principal, KPF
Simon Branson, Partner, Manchester Studio Lead, Feilden Clegg Bradley
Cecilia Lindstrom, Associate Director of Research and Urban Design, Studio Egret West
Marie-Louise Schembri, Design Director, Hilson Moran
Albert Williamson-Taylor, Co-Founder & Director, AKT II

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Image: AKT II

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