People Powered Homes

30 June 2020

17:00 -19:00

All over London, groups of people are coming together to take control and lead housing projects in their local area. They’re showing that housing can be more than a financial asset; it can bring people together and give them power.

We’re inviting members of community led housing organisations across London, to tell us their story. Come and meet the pioneers of community led housing in London, learn about different projects and hear from the people putting their vision of better living into practice.

There are a huge range of projects across the capital. From bespoke cohousing projects built for shared living, to people owning homes cooperatively, to Community Land Trusts with ensuring fairly priced housing forever.


Ameen is a founding member of Zahra Housing Cooperative, a group of families in Harrow looking for affordable intergenerational housing. They collective experience of living in private rented housing has been disempowering. They are looking for a long term, secure alternative and we have been supporting them with their proposal to build three homes on a small garage site in Harrow.

Cathie is a member of The London Older Lesbian Cohousing. The group was founded in 2016 when founding member Jude Watson was chatting with friends about how they wanted to live together as they got older. The group are working in partnership with a large Housing Association to build around 20 units of which 25-30% will be affordably rented, with the remainder available under the Older People’s Shared Ownership scheme or bought outright.

Jack is a Trustee of Forest CLT, a membership organisation founded by local residents in 2018 with the mission of creating truly affordable, community-led housing and sustainable communities in Waltham Forest. They want to build homes that local people really can afford and create community spaces that are there for everyone to use.

To join us on the evening, register here on Eventbrite. The event will be held on Zoom, so please ensure you have downloaded and familiarised yourself with the software before the day.

We will send the link and login details two hours before the event.

Any questions, please email


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Image: Warwick Sweeney

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