Architects Love Media & Media Loves Architects – But Do They Get Along?

17 June 2020

18:00 -19:30

You can watch the recording of the event here:

This online panel talk will question how we can define “media” in architecture. Is media only a tool, or is it a space dialogue and debate? Speakers will present their idea of media and demonstrate how media can explore the connections between architecture and its representation.

Dara Huang / Architect, Founder of DH Liberty, Co-founder of Vivahouse

Sam Jacob / Principal of Sam Jacob Studio for architecture and design

Tom Wilkinson / History Editor The Architectural Review

Manijeh Verghese / Founding Director at Unscene Architecture, AA Head of Public Programmes

Jim Stephenson / Photographer, Film-maker, Founder of Clickclickjim

Bobby Jewell / Press and Comms. Consultant, Coordinator at ACAN, Co-organiser of the Negroni Talks

Shukri Sultan / Co-founder of Afterparti, inaugural member of the New Architectural Writers program

Nurgul Yardim / Architect, Podcast Host, Founder of Anylab (Chair)

“Buildings are conceived and transformed through media rather than simply represented in the media. Furthermore, architecture is itself from the beginning, a form of media.” – Beatriz Colomina, Skinless Architecture, 2003


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Image: Nurgul Yardim Mericliler, 2020

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